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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns
Poems and Songs of Robert Burns

Poems and Songs of Robert Burns

Robert Burns 其他类型 连载 免费小说

  关于Poems and Songs of Robert Burns:RobertBurns(1759-1796)(alsoknownasRabbieBurns,Scotlandsfavouriteson,thePloughmanPoet,theBardofAyrshireandinScotlandassimplyTheBard),wasapoetandalyricist.HeiswidelyregardedasthenationalpoetofScotland,



  1. Preface
  2. Nell
  3. Day
  4. Lay
  5. Farme
  6. Fragment
  7. The
  8. Peggy
  9. The
  10. The
  11. Health
  12. The
  13. Alison
  14. Morison
  15. Dirge
  16. An
  17. Psalm
  18. Psalm
  19. Death
  20. Occasion
  21. Fragment
  22. Song
  23. Sodger”
  24. I”
  25. Lodge
  26. Farmer
  27. Ballad
  28. Th
  29. Elegy
  30. Barley
  31. August
  32. Song
  33. Rashes
  34. Bower-Door
  35. Fragment
  36. Tarbolton
  37. Boghea
  38. Fathers
  39. Father
  40. War
  41. O
  42. Rankine
  43. Dau
  44. Novels
  45. Lady
  46. Airy
  47. Mauchline
  48. Polemic
  49. Squire
  50. Occasion
  51. Another
  52. Chapman
  53. Rankine
  54. Death
  55. Dirge
  56. Tulyie
  57. Poet
  58. Prayer
  59. Willie
  60. Hornbook
  61. B
  62. Lapraik
  63. Simson
  64. Postcript
  65. Wander
  66. Part
  67. Robin
  68. Ruisseaux
  69. Kilmarnock
  70. Fair
  71. Lapraik
  72. Mmath
  73. Davie
  74. Blooms
  75. Ballochmyle
  76. Locks
  77. Halloween
  78. Nes
  79. Innkeeper
  80. Smith
  81. Prayer
  82. Cantata
  83. That
  84. Heckle
  85. Night
  86. Deil
  87. Drink
  88. Saluta
  89. Dogs
  90. Prayer
  91. Ordination
  92. Smith
  93. Vision
  94. Vision”
  95. Rigidly
  96. Inventory
  97. House
  98. Craigen-Gillan
  99. Bon
  100. Mores
  101. Spring
  102. Daisy,
  103. Ruin
  104. Lament
  105. Ode
  106. Mauchline,
  107. Invitation
  108. Mary?
  109. O
  110. Friend
  111. Beelzebub
  112. Dream
  113. Dedication
  114. Mauchli
  115. Jame
  116. Indie
  117. Eliza
  118. Epitaph
  119. Johnie”
  120. Ballochmyle
  121. Sweetheart
  122. Publ
  123. Kennedy
  124. Banknote
  125. Naething
  126. Farewell
  127. Eleanora.
  128. Calf
  129. Poem
  130. Chalmers
  131. Fro
  132. Ayr
  133. Song
  134. Roads
  135. Power
  136. Ayr
  137. Toothache
  138. Daer
  139. Song
  140. Elegy
  141. Epitaph
  142. Contra
  143. Logan
  144. Sensibility
  145. Night
  146. Mountains
  147. Edinburgh
  148. Haggis
  149. For
  150. Sketch
  151. Dundee
  152. Session
  153. Ferguss
  154. Scott
  155. No
  156. Prologue
  157. Moor-Hen
  158. A-Hunting
  159. Inn
  160. Artist
  161. Book-Worms
  162. Martials
  163. Friend
  164. S
  165. Michie
  166. Woodhous
  167. Church
  168. Will
  169. Lamerton
  170. “Stella”
  171. Inverary
  172. Scott
  173. Esq,
  174. B
  175. Works
  176. Ferrier
  177. Window
  178. Censo
  179. Self-Reproof
  180. Pencil
  181. Aberfeldy
  182. Water
  183. Loch-Nes
  184. T
  185. Lament
  186. Gordon
  187. Lucky
  188. Mary
  189. Albany
  190. Loch-Turit
  191. She
  192. Walk
  193. Cruikshank
  194. Devon
  195. Storms
  196. Charms
  197. Rover
  198. 1787
  199. Of
  200. Clarinda
  201. Friendship
  202. Care
  203. Soul
  204. Yet
  205. Go
  206. Farewell
  207. Charmer
  208. Hoggie
  209. Blowing
  210. Early
  211. Miller
  212. Davison
  213. John
  214. Awa
  215. Me
  216. Past
  217. Awa
  218. Clarinda
  219. Lament
  220. Parker
  221. Blaw
  222. Ain
  223. Hermitage
  224. Writer
  225. Charms
  226. Champetre
  227. Fintr
  228. Returns
  229. Hill
  230. Lament
  231. Leaf
  232. Bosom
  233. Syne
  234. Mary
  235. Kiss
  236. Hermitage
  237. Progress
  238. 1788
  239. Husband
  240. Sign-Posts
  241. Hairst
  242. Oswald
  243. Wanlockhead
  244. Fragment
  245. Fause
  246. Riddell
  247. Drumlanrig
  248. Rid
  249. Ballad
  250. Cruickshank
  251. Ann
  252. Bill
  253. Glenconner
  254. Kilmarnock
  255. Verse
  256. Hare
  257. Ode
  258. Paidle
  259. Flowers
  260. Lad
  261. Nith
  262. Me
  263. Secret
  264. Dunbar
  265. Lady
  266. Jo
  267. Yet
  268. Glen
  269. Come
  270. Sel
  271. Ot
  272. Adair
  273. Peregrination
  274. Antiquary
  275. Alarm
  276. Correspondents
  277. Favour
  278. Effusion
  279. Maut
  280. Knowes
  281. Yestreen
  282. Again
  283. Sherramuir
  284. Killiecrankie
  285. Awa
  286. Minnie
  287. Ribband
  288. Highlands
  289. Ballad
  290. Heaven
  291. Blacklock
  292. Carlins
  293. Westerha
  294. Dumfri
  295. 1790
  296. Sutherland
  297. Gentleman,
  298. Mare
  299. Anna
  300. Postscript
  301. Hate
  302. Lawin
  303. Ballad
  304. Henderson
  305. Epitaph
  306. Grose
  307. Shanter
  308. Child
  309. Monbodd
  310. A
  311. Comes
  312. Forth
  313. Version
  314. Version
  315. Version
  316. Glencairn
  317. Bart
  318. Wood
  319. Davies
  320. Davies
  321. Ma
  322. Posie
  323. Chain
  324. Poetry
  325. N
  326. Weaver
  327. Inn
  328. Stewart
  329. Sylvia
  330. Beaver
  331. Macnab
  332. Me
  333. Jewel
  334. Tam
  335. Eliza
  336. Bell
  337. Afton
  338. Thomson
  339. Hame
  340. Love
  341. Nation
  342. Name
  343. Crookieden
  344. Willie
  345. Terrau
  346. O
  347. Death
  348. Sensibility
  349. Toadeater
  350. Lamington
  351. Keekin-Glass
  352. Extempore
  353. Extempore
  354. Morn
  355. Sever
  356. Arrive
  357. December
  358. Awa
  359. Fair
  360. Poet
  361. Tow
  362. Bobbed
  363. Dearie
  364. Laddie
  365. Had
  366. Ann
  367. Braes
  368. Lament
  369. Lea?
  370. Daddie
  371. Exciseman
  372. Lass
  373. Wheel
  374. Love
  375. Lesley
  376. Song
  377. Rig
  378. Thing
  379. Mary
  380. Morris
  381. Woman
  382. F
  383. Thom
  384. Gray
  385. Awa
  386. Ballad
  387. Love
  388. Politics
  389. Water
  390. Birthday,
  391. Version
  392. Version
  393. Gregory
  394. Oh
  395. Jessie
  396. Mill
  397. Version
  398. Return
  399. 1793
  400. Natives
  401. Brains
  402. Almana
  403. Victory
  404. Vi
  405. Folly
  406. Excisemen
  407. Invitation
  408. Meat
  409. Meat
  410. Desertio
  411. Moor
  412. Braes
  413. Hill
  414. Fair
  415. Ballad
  416. ESQ.
  417. Lap-Dog
  418. Galloway
  419. Laggan
  420. Fair
  421. Cave
  422. Stream
  423. Lad
  424. Fair
  425. Breast
  426. Davie
  427. Bannockburn
  428. Arrive
  429. Davie
  430. Jamie
  431. Met?
  432. Pleasure
  433. Fair
  434. Birthday
  435. Nancy
  436. Address
  437. Riddell
  438. Apology
  439. Dearie?
  440. North
  441. Lincluden
  442. Vision
  443. Rose
  444. Plain
  445. Cree
  446. Monody
  447. Epitaph
  448. Carriage
  449. Riddell
  450. Maria
  451. Coxcomb
  452. Lascelles
  453. Mossknowe
  454. Downs
  455. Riddell
  456. Inverness
  457. Darling
  458. Meal
  459. Balou
  460. Lament
  461. King
  462. Birthday
  463. Fintry
  464. Away
  465. Versi
  466. A
  467. Maxwell
  468. J—N
  469. Chloris
  470. Yarico
  471. Laird,
  472. Seat
  473. Falsehood
  474. Suicide
  475. Coxcomb
  476. Marquis”
  477. Turner
  478. Peg
  479. Chloris
  480. Philly
  481. Night
  482. Love
  483. Mistres
  484. Life
  485. Groves
  486. May
  487. Locks
  488. Willy
  489. Mair
  490. Stream
  491. Katie
  492. Awa
  493. Tear-Drop
  494. Somebody
  495. That
  496. Wood
  497. Covenant
  498. of
  499. Goblet
  500. D
  501. Richardson
  502. Gracie
  503. Peg-a-Ramsay
  504. Hermitage
  505. Lass
  506. Gray
  507. Me
  508. Aboon
  509. Gaun
  510. Ecclefechan
  511. Night
  512. Answer
  513. Town
  514. Town
  515. 1795
  516. Independence
  517. Ot
  518. Cuddy
  519. Me
  520. Me
  521. Threat?
  522. Woodlark
  523. Ill
  524. Parents
  525. Fashion
  526. Ee
  527. Myrtle
  528. Near
  529. Lover
  530. Wooer
  531. Lassie
  532. Brier
  533. Cunningham
  534. Heart
  535. Inscription
  536. Lindsay
  537. Nest
  538. News
  539. Mair
  540. Sweet
  541. Kiss
  542. Mitchell
  543. Postscript
  544. Faculty
  545. Peyster
  546. Tocher
  547. IV.
  548. Lewars
  549. Lass
  550. Dear
  551. Blast
  552. Lewars
  553. Banks
  554. Glossary
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